Zerodur®, a registered trademark of Schott AG, is a glass ceramic. Used in large, professional telescopes, it is the material of choice for mirrors. What makes Zerodur® special is that it features extremely low expansion on exposure to changing temperature. The material is relatively hard and should be treated with a special polish. Zerodur® has to be handled gently as far as cementing is concerned – at temperatures above 100 °C, it loses its zero expansion.
Product information
Zerodur® is a glass ceramic with an extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion.
Zerodur®’s key properties
- Virtual zero expansion with outstanding 3D homogeneity
- High inner quality
- Good machinability
- Excellent polishability
- Highly affinity for coatings
- Low helium permeability
- Non-porous
- Good chemical resistance
Distinguishing features
- Very hard for grinding
- Colour reddish brown
- Homogeneous (no striae) / only detectable on workpieces polished on both sides
Further details available on request
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